18 August 2008
The domain name
Bitcoin.org domain is registered

The Bitcoin.org domain was registered on the 18th of August 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto.
The WHOIS domain records for Bitcoin.org show the site was first registered in 2008 to "Anonymousspeech LLC," a company dedicated to providing anonymous email and web surfing services to customers.
In 2007, AnonymousSpeech advertised the ability to accept bank transfer payments to a Swiss bank account and payments through "E-Gold" a service that allowed anonymous, digital transfer of gold ownership between users.
It is likely Satoshi paid for the domain through privacy preserving ways considering his sustained anonymity.
The WHOIS domain records for Bitcoin.org show the site was first registered in 2008 to "Anonymousspeech LLC," a company dedicated to providing anonymous email and web surfing services to customers.
In 2007, AnonymousSpeech advertised the ability to accept bank transfer payments to a Swiss bank account and payments through "E-Gold" a service that allowed anonymous, digital transfer of gold ownership between users.
It is likely Satoshi paid for the domain through privacy preserving ways considering his sustained anonymity.